How to Report an Outage
FIRST - CHECK YOUR OWN FUSES OR BREAKERS! If buildings are equipped with fuses, replace any that are burned out. If equipped with multi-breakers, push all switch levers to the off position as far as possible, then return levers to the on position gently.
Rural consumers - Be sure to check the breaker on the meter pole if your trouble is not cleared. This breaker if either OFF or ON. If it is tripped to OFF, and when you push it to ON and remove your hand it jumps back to the OFF position, you have trouble in your wiring. Either repair it or call your electrician. Our crews can also tell via our AMI online system if the trouble may be on your side.
If the above has not cleared your trouble, promptly notify us of your outage. You may call 620-758-2262 or 800-310-8911, which ring through to our dispatchers if it's after hours. Our service crews will be dispatched to attend to your outage.

Want to Save Money on Your Electric Bill? Save Energy!
There are a lot of simple, energy-saving steps you can take to save money on your electric bill, such as changing the thermostat setting, insulating your attic, flipping switches, etc. The Touchstone Energy Cooperatives have developed free online calculators to show how much money you can expect to save. Check out their website to see for yourself. www.safeelectricity.org